In With the New / by and Play

We are entering the last couple of days of 2015, and it makes me (Maya) reflect a bit on this year that has transpired and look forward to the new one that is almost in my grasp. I have always enjoyed how it only takes one night and the calendar date/people's outlook on life goes from old to new in an instant. We make lists with our intentions for the coming year that range from lofty life ambitions to the mundane with a bit of everything in between. I love this tradition, and some of my intentions have become old pals that have yet to become reality. Who knows, maybe 2016 is the year that I stop biting my nails for good, start strengthening my core, read War and Peace, and bring my violin into the shop on a regular basis for adjustments? All I know for sure is that I will keep dreaming, and that is at the top of my list. Want to join me?


P.S. I am writing lots of snail mail this year, so if you want some happiness delivered straight to your mailbox just send an address!

andLiked this week: Teach Yourself Italian by Jhumpa Lahiri from the New Yorker. This was an all together inspiring and uplifting read, and it definitely got me thinking about the year to come and how sticking to certain goals can change your life for the better.

Here is a poem by Mary Oliver from her newest collection, Felicity to take you into the new year...


When I moved from one house to another

there were many things I had no room

for. What does one do? I rented a storage 

space. And filled it. Years passed.

Occasionally I went there and looked in,

but nothing happened, not a single

twinge of the heart.

As I grew older the things cared 

about grew fewer, but were more 

important. So one day I undid the lock

and called the trash man. He took


I felt like the little donkey when

his burden is finally lifted. Things!

Burn them, burn them! Make a beautiful

fire! More room in your heart for love,

for the trees! For the birds who own

nothing---the reason they can fly.